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Manage customers and they payment
in the single place

Paymaze allows you to manage all payments and subscriptions in the same place, where you manage your customers, sales and orders.
No matter which CRM or Service desk you are using.
No matter which payment service provider (PSP) you need to process payment. Your managers will work with customer’s payments in the single place.

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Manage customers and they payments in the single place:

All you need to manage payments right in your CRM / Service Desk:

Smart payments routing:

multiple payment

to provide business in different countries and optimize costs of payment

common processes

for payments and subscriptions management for all PSPs

multiple merchants

per single payment gateway to separate your revenue stream by different type of businesses

Advanced subscription management:

Our Subscription module extends PSP’s recurring payment possibilities for demanding customers

Configure subscriptions in line with business needs

Flexible of the plans and memberships right in your CRM. Monthly, quarterly or yearly payments, setup fee and much more.

Prepaid or postpaid
business model

Choose a prepaid model to protect your revenue flow. Or postpaid to provide additional benefits for your customers.


Take discounts under control: specific discount levels for different managers. Discounts can be applied to one time payments as well recurrent payments.

Coupons for marketing promotions

Launch effective marketing campaigns with time-effective coupons. Make promo for holidays and special events, which works only limited period.

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